SOLD Antique Islamic Sword Kaskara Mahdist War Period 19th Century Sudan
SOLD A very good quality antique, 19th century North African, Sudanese Islamic Sword, Kaskara with scabbard, from the period time of the Mahdist war an revolutionary insurrection against the British colonial rule in Sudan, which took place in 1881-1899, it was called the Mahdist War which was fought between the Mahdist Sudanese of the religious leader Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah (محمد أحمد ابن عبد الله) 1848-85, who had proclaimed himself the "Mahdi" of Islam (the "Guided One"), and the forces of Brittan.
The sword is made on the pattern of medieval Mamluk swords. Details: a leather-wrapped wood hilt in a distinctive form comprising a grip of circular section with a flat circular pommel, extremely well-made beveled steel crossguard, with diamond section quillons and ridged flared langets, mounted superb quality, broad double-edged long steel blade, cut on each face with a shallow full-length central fuller.
In its original leather scabbard with characteristic widening towards the tip and adorned with a beautiful tooled design and mounted with two pronounced suspension bands, each adorned with crocodile skin straps enclosed by braided leather bands and affix with the largely shaped copper rings. The throat of the scabbard also mounted with crocodile skin.
Most of the Kaskara swords are with a crudely made iron crossguard and poor-quality blades.
The crossguard of this sword is very well made of hand-forged steel with visible lamination in the steel forge layered structure. The blade is of better quality than the average seen on such swords, and it is possible that it is an older European blade mounted with 19th-century Sudanese mountings.
Pictures of comparable Kaskara swords from Mahdist wars that are on display in various museums' collections are attached to the listing.
The last two pictures in the listing depicting, Pasha Rudolf von Slatin dressed in specified Mahdist Ansar costume, and a similar kaskara sword is slung by a strap from his left shoulder.
He was held captive by the Mahdists for 11 years, during his captivity, he adopted Islam and worked as adviser and interpreter for the Khalifa Abdullahi and serve in his personal retinue of bodyguards.
Overall length: 105.8 cm (41 21/32 inches)
Overall length without the scabbard: 105.8 cm (41 21/32 inches)
Length of the blade: 93.8 cm (36 59/64 inches)
Width of the blade at the widest point: 4.3 cm (1 11/16 inches)
CONDITION: in very good condition considering its age, the end of the leather scabbard is slightly damaged.
Please note that the pictures in the listing are part of the description of the condition of the object.