SOLD Antique British P-1913 bayonet Made By Remington For British Army And Used By US Army
SOLD Antique British P-1913 bayonet with scabbard, made by REMINGTON Arms Company
in the U.S. and used by US Army.
The blade is marked on the right ricasso with British Inspection marks and Broad Arrow crossed out and US marking stamped below. The marks were crossed out when the bayonet was taken into US service in 1917. The left ricasso stamped with 1913 and 9-17 below and the Remington circumscribed in a circle, pommel stamped with Broad Arrow. The leather scabbard stamped GK and with other initials, steel locket, is stamped with MS and 32/30 on the mouth, chape mark with GF? circumscribed in an oval.
Overall length of the bayonet in the scabbard: 58 cm (22.83 inches)
Overall Length without the scabbard: 55.3 cm (21 49⁄64 inches)
Blade Length: 42.7 cm (16 13⁄16 inches)
CONDITION: in good condition considering its age. The release button works fine; blade and iron parts of the hilt slightly pitted.