Antique Nepalese Newari Bronze Donor Figure 17th -19th Century Nepal
Antique, 17th -19th century, Nepalese Newari, copper alloy (bronze/brass) donor figure,finely cast in lost-wax technique, and skillfully hand chased, depicting a King, or a Priest, engaged in prayer. He is dressed in elaborate tunic tied by long sash and adorned with fine jewelry, including the Newari tayo necklace, accompanied by another long necklace, two bracelets on his wrists, and the armband with stylized double crossed Vajra (Dorje).
The figure and the platform have been cast separately, and held together permanently by three copper rivets. The platform is decorated with a row of open-work lotus petals.
The figure is made in a very similar manner to figures of the elephant riders at the doorway of the Kwa Bahal (Golden Temple) in Patan, and the figures at the Durbar Square, including sculpture of praying man.
Please see the links below:
For other related Nepalese donor figures please see the link below.
MEASUREMENTS: Height: 13.3 cm (5 1/4 in). Dimensions of the base: 9.5 cm x 8cm (3 3/4 in x 3 1/8 in).
CONDITION: In good condition considering its age showing its age and usage, worn out on the exposed areas from centuries of touching by worshipers, with old natural green patina.